Shaping a secure and interactive credit bureau platform


Serasa Experian collects and aggregates information on over ninety million people and businesses in Brazil. We partnered on this digital transformation to leverage the experience of providing credit services and selling decision-analytic assistance to businesses.

My role

User research, user experience, product strategy and visual design.

Creating custom reports

The custom reports sit at the heart of the Serasa dialogue and experience.
My goal as a designer was to design a report that works much more than a simple data repository, providing analysis, informing numbers, and also bringing real-time suggestions on what you should do considering your market and current situation.

Tracking your clients

The necessity of keeping track of your clients is real and one of the most important features on a daily basis. Backed by research and previous data, I worked with my team to consolidate all the relevant client data for easy access in one place so the customer could navigate and interact with these numbers in a simple and seamless experience.

A central dashboard

The home dashboard works as a content center through a straightforward and clear interface. I designed a solution where you first see your tasks prioritized by importance, then go deep into what is happening on each platform section, such as your clients and company status.

Since day one, I knew that charts play an important role in our platform, and I iterated more than a dozen versions to test with customers and validate which kind of chart is more relevant for each piece of data.

Numbers and outcomes

+2x improvement in conversion rates

In the first quarter after the launch compared to previous quarter.

85% decrease in customer support calls

In the first quarter after the launch compared to previous weeks.

Universal 'north star' design solution

The design work and documentation piece I led became a guide for improving existing products globally at the company.

Scalable design system

On top of better serving designers and developers to achieve consistency and speed in evolving the product in the future, I led this design system initiative where we have set up an extensive library of reusable components used throughout the web application and the marketing websites.

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Designing a clever space for entertainment